Blackbirds in Bermondsey - 11 July 2010

As the spring turned to summer we noticed a pair of blackbirds flying into and out of our balcony with increased frequency. Early mornings and evenings they would appear with something in their beaks. Following the trail led us to a nest well hidden in one of our olive trees. It became quite noisy as the young ones started crying for food. This week the babies left the nest and have been hopping around the balcony with very anxious parents looking on and this morning one of the babies appeared amongst the hydrangeas in the courtyard to our surprise, four storeys below ... mother on hand looking on.

So this year has been more successful than last year when the eggs were stolen from the nest down in the courtyard, probably by a rat, maybe a fox. While not as dramatic as playing with Bonobos, watching the migration in Kenya or dancing in India at the Holi festival it is still very special and not bad at all for central London!

Julie and Adam