Printing on the HP Designjet Z3100 - 26 July 2008

Prints from the HP Z3100 have proved very popular. In our recent trip to Uganda and Rwanda Wendy won the competition to print off 20 feet of shots. She was round a few weeks ago and produced some absolutely stunning prints on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag paper. This has a matt finish with a textured surface and is now our standard for most of our commercial work.

Shortly after Julie came back from Svalbard she was asked to assist with an office renovation, The owner of the business wanted some coooool matching prints of the cold north to suit the company's own coolness! We ran off a set of trial prints, the owners loved them and we went into full scale production. The results are really stunning. Few monitors are able to match the quality of a professionally produced print. We do wonder if some people miss out on some of the magic from their shots simply because they only look at them on an iPod, their blog or on a computer screen.

This is the one the owner liked best:

All our clients can use our printers to produce stunning prints and indeed we encourage this.

Adam and Julie