We have just returned this evening from a really amazing eye opening 'recci' to Finland. We travelled there to assess conditions for running a Bear, Wolf, Wolverine and birding photographic expedition in '08 and '09.
After flying to Helsinki, an internal flight north, stocking up on provisions at the local supermarket (cheese, local bread, pasta etc), then a 150 km car journey, then a mile in a snowmobile (steered by Adam ... very scary) we arrived at our home for the next 100 hours. The hide was in No-Mans Land which is a mere 700 metres from the Russian border. It was one of the best hides we have ever seen. Despite being about -15 degrees outside, the oil stove kept us warm inside and a small meths cooking stove warmed up our pasta. The only downside, no running water or toilets! THAT was the one time requiring us to race out into the cold ...
We were there in the low season. The bears were still fast asleep in their dens. They wake up usually in early April when the snow melts and runs into their nests. They wake up VERY hungry having lost about 40% of their body weight over the winter. From April until perhaps October they are out and about before settling down to sleep again for the winter. The wolves had been heard just before we got there, but aside from some tracks we did not see any. Once the Bears are out, the Wolves tend to follow them, sharing the meat that the bears find.
The highlight for us was seeing a Wolverine really close up. These are very strong and quite fierce creatures ... photos to follow.
Our expeditions will be to the same area, but in the "high season" where there is a very good chance of getting pretty close to the bears. We will be staying in an old logging camp, each evening being left at the hide to wait for the bears to come down to eat the carcasses which are left to attract them and returning to camp for hot showers, hot food, charging batteries etc the next morning. Relax round the camp during the day, a sauna if you dare, a big dinner and then back to the hide. We cannot wait!
A view here of the hide we bunkered down in and Julie on watch! More to follow.
Julie and Adam