Snow in Finland - 20 March 2008

From the heat of Africa to the snow in Finland; sometimes we think we are mad! This morning we are off to Finland. We are travelling close to the border with Russia (for which permits are required. Very Jason Bourne) to a remote hide. No electricity no running water (very, very Jason Bourne). We will stay there for the best part of a week simply waiting to see what comes by (very, very, very Jason Bourne). Depending on the season this includes Wolves, Bears, Golden Eagles, Wolverines, Woodpeckers etc, etc. So when packing, we put away our hot weather clothes from Uganda/Rwanda and brought out Arctic gear. Given there is no electricity, no computers, chargers, cables, adaptors and other gizmos. Hence we are traveling light. Just the 600 F4, the 500 F4, three Canon bodies and the Hassey.

Current temperature where we are going as we write this .... -14 c with snow is forecast for the next three days!

Julie [Bourne] and Adam [Bourne]