Wolverines are the largest member of the Weasel family and is a very stocky and muscular animal. Whilst they live in isolated Northern areas, they are quite rare. In Finland there are only just over 100 Wolverines left in the wild. They are very aggressive animals and in Lapland have been known to bring down Reindeer, which are many times their size. They also are known to eat the carrion left by Wolves.
We saw this one during our recent trip to Finland. We saw it running across the frozen lake toward our hide and it then spent about 30 minutes behind us eating some of the frozen pigs that are left out to attract Bears, Wolves and Wolverines! Eventually it crept in front of the hind and presented itself to us. As you can see, this one has been in the wars with a scar above its right eye.
As you can tell from this photograph, it was very cold and snowing at the time, but the Wolverine's thick coat is able to protect it from the hostile climate of Finland. We were delighted to see it!
We are finalising our next guided trip back to Finland when we expect to see Bears and Wolves - it will be a great time to see them and the hides we will be using really are second to none. Please keep an eye out on the website over the next two weeks when the details of the August trip should be up.
Julie and Adam