Stop Stimulating the Ivory Trade; Just Stop Trade Stop Stimulating the Ivory Trade; Just Stop Trade

This article is succinct and a must read.  Endorsed by Mary Rice of the EIA who has dedicated her life to protecting elephants.  With increased demand for ivory trinkets, jewellery and art coming from Asia, and given a total ban has worked before, it has to be the only way we can stop the cruel and brutal slaughter of elephants and rhino and the rangers and people who lose their lives trying to protect these helpless animals. Total ban on ivory sales.  It has to be.  I defy anyone who has seen pictures of bloodied, butchered de-horned rhino and de-tusked elephants, or seen the peculiar, out of character, traumatised behaviour of surviving calfs or elephants who have escaped the hunters to see it any other way.  Already this year there have been an alarming number of ivory hauls and elephant/rhino slaughters.  Total ban.  Please.