Kenya and Tanzania Safari: Xmas 2012

Hopefully this gives a flavour of the wide variety of game we spent time with in the Serengeti, the Mara and Laikipia over Christmas and the New Year. The Big Cats performed well: lots of Lion activity, not just sleeping!  Cheetah kills, Wild Dog hunting Dik Dik - we could hear the shrieks and then crunching of bones.... but the terrain was too difficult to keep up with these hunters.  Still, we lucked in with seeing Wild Dog puppies though!  We nearly saw a Leopard kill but some bad mannered Homo Sapiens messed up the kill, much to the frustration of a number of us who had been respectfully watching her hunt, and of course don't forget the frustration of the poor Leopard who was frightened off, needing to eat and with an empty stomach.  More on safari etiquette in a later Blog!

The Northern Serengeti showed us Hyena galore, the Southern Serengeti Wildebeest galore.  A Puff Adder (gulp), different species of Zebra and Giraffe in the Kenyan highlands, and not featuring in this video, but some privileged time with Samburu as they celebrated the coming of age of some of their young men.

2013 is shaping up well!

Julie and Adam
January 2013