Meeting the young Bonobos - 5 August 2011

In DRC we stay at Lola ya Bonobo, the world's only Bonobo sanctuary. It takes in young orphaned Bonobos, usually victims from some pretty awful plights. Within the sanctuary there is a nursery which looks after about 10 of the youngest Bonobos. Three very patient ladies look after this bunch who have more energy than just about anyone we have ever met. They remain in the nursery until they are considered to be settled enough to join one of the 'older' groups. At the sanctuary if you ask nicely and are seen to be a responsible person, you can get inside the nursery and experience this energy first hand. Julie was first!

Then Adam went in with his camera ...

From the inside shooting out you can see Julie shooting in!

It is possibly [just about] to take some shots while inside. This is one of the few from Adam's shoot which was in focus!

Each day here is different and each evening we pore over out shots and try to edit as we go along. There are some more shots, some of them very funny, on the Facebook part of this site, we are adding a few each day.

Julie and Adam