New Trip: Holi and Elephant Festivals, Varanasi and Tigers in March 2011

Just a pre-announcement on our March 2011 trip to experience Holi and Varanasi combined with three days at Bandhavgarh tiger tracking. The dates are something like March 18-28, 2011 but the full itinerary will be up in the usual sections of this website during the course of the coming week. We hope you will join us on this specially planned Holi fun and Spring Colour festival, spiritual Varanasi and Bandhavgarh tiger safari combination. Please check out the full itinerary this week and let us know if you would like to go on the 'interested in coming' list.

Speaking of Spring, is it at last finding its way to London?!

We have two remaining spaces for our whales and bears trip sailing in British Columbia this September/October so if anyone's interested.... There is no single supplement on this trip but flights will become problematic with each passing week.

Have a great week this week.

Julie and Adam