Attended EIA's fundraising dinner during the week at Cafe Spice Namaste. Thank you so much to everyone who came along - we had two tables and everyone commented on how great the food was - well, we had three of London's leading chefs whipping up an Indian storm for us - and everyone also commented on the dedication of the EIA team to the seemingly endless work they need to do to collect the evidence they need and to campaign for change. Even some of our more cynical City guests have become very interested in the good work the EIA do.
Donal McIntyre was a guest speaker. He commented on the integrity of the reports the EIA write - it seems he and other reporters know that anything coming out of an EIA investigation is factually correct, backed by evidence.
Check out their website:
To see more about the plight of the Tiger and EIA's Tiger campaign specifically, it's:
We can vouch that they run their work on a shoestring! No swish offices, overheads are low and many of their investigators have dedicated their entire lives to environmental campaigning. For instance:
* EIA's evidence played a key role in securing a ban on the international ivory trade in 1989.
* EIA's campaiging closed down illegal talc and marble mines in protected Indian tiger reserves.
* EIA's investigation prompted the Indonesian president to crack down on illegal logging.
Military and police officers were among some of the suspects.
We hope you too will become fans of some of their work. You can join for a year for a mere £30! For anyone who has seen a Tiger or an Elephant, it's worth it!
Julie and Adam
November 2009