DRC and Kenya Expedition August / Sept 2009

We are planning an expedition to DRC and Kenya in August / September 2009. In DRC we will be photographing Bonobos. One of the great apes which is only found in the Congo. In Kenya we are there for the migration, and no doubt some cats along the way. We hope this slideshow wets your appetite!

Antarctic Slideshow

We hope you like this simple slideshow which we think really illustrates what an amazing world we live in. Julie and Adam

Binocular servicing and repairs

I have owned a wonderful pair of Zeiss 10x40 binoculars which have served me well for about 25 years. They are just about the only piece of kit which I have managed to hang onto for such a long time. I have to confess that I have treated them pretty badly. Bumped, soaked, rained on and given a fair amount of sea spray over the years.

Not surprising that half way through the Antarctica expedition they packed up and refused to focus. Rather then spend £1,000 replacing them, I was determined to have them repaired. I found a recommendation for "Optrep optical repairs" on a Pigeon fanciers forum! A quick phone call confirmed they would repair the binoculars and I sent them off on Monday. By Friday (!!!) they were back with a bill for £125 for servicing, mechanisms decoroded, guide rods unbuckled, threads reground, cleaned, relubricated, adjusted, reset, collimated (I had to look that up in the dictionary) and tested. The guy at Optrep told me that they quality of the Zeiss is such that they should outlive me!

I am really pleased and delighted with the service.
