Julie recently returned from a treking expedition to Nepal; partly raising money for a charity, but also checking out the place for a possible Shutterspeedtravel trip. The treking was tough, but the scenery and people made all the pain worthwhile!
On returning back to the UK Julie downloaded her images and found that 40% of the images on all four cards she had used were corrupted. The four cards were from different manufacturers. This was the first time we had encountered such a problem. Julie downloaded the excellent "imagerescue3" software from Lexars site:
Using this program Julie was able to recover all the images. We are still baffled why the cards became corrupted. We were not able to recreate the problem using the same cards in the same camera body back in London.
The lesson from this experience is do not give up! There are many clever solutions out there on the net that can solve many problems, including those that you do not know about .... yet!
Julie and Adam
Corrupted cards - 23 July 2007
Cruel nature .... in London - 16 July 2007
A few weeks ago we spotted a bird which had built a nest in the courtyard of the building in which we live. This is located right in the heart of central London. The bird had built its nest on top of a post attached to a wall at head height. Eggs were produced which then hatched. Each morning we would creep past the nest, peep in and then walk to work happy that nature had produced another surprise.
However, and there always is a however, one day the bird and babies had gone. The nest was bare. We think that something had come along and eaten the young chicks, possibly a rat. A great shame, but in reality this was not the best place to build a nest.
First one to identify the bird ... gets named in this blog!
Julie and Adam
Tricks for weight limits on internal flights in Kenya - 15 July 2007
The weight limits on internal flights in Kenya are only 12 to 15 Kilos. Given that our Peli cases fully loaded are about 18 Kilos, this presents a challenge. Each extra Kilo can cost at least US$10 per flight, which obviously add up! The check-in desk weighs all your kit; check-in bags and "hand huggage". There is no getting around this.
For our August trip we have invested in Domke Photo vests. The idea being that just before checking in we load up the pockets with camera bodies, batteries, short lenses and anything else that is small and heavy. We think we can get away with about 8 kilos a vest, which should save us several hundred dollars. Given the vests cost about US$100 each, that is a good return on the inVESTment!
We will let you know how we get on!
Julie and Adam